Residential Guide

4 Types of Water Heaters


So, winter has begun to roll in and your previous water heating system has begun to fail. Hot water is now a pipe dream and you’re left to your own devices in terms of hygiene. Namely you have two choices, either boil individual kettles of water for your bath or bear the pain of thousands of mini-icicles hurtling from the showerhead on to your person. Both of these options are pretty unsavory needless to say. If this world was perfect, hot water heaters would last forever, no amount of use would ever take them out of commission. But the sad fact of the matter is that the average water heater has an average lifespan of only about 8 to 12 years. Yes, pitiable we know.

Once you get out into the market for one however you will find yourself surrounded by plenty of options, options that each have plenty of benefits and drawbacks. If you’re in the market for one of these appliances we recommend you check out hot water service ballarat. They have some great equipment in store and employ a great team.

1. The conventional water heater

You know what this is, you’ve had one in your own home before. These are one of the most popular water heating options and feature a large, insulated tank where the water is stored and heated up.

Its advantages are that its fairly cheap to set up, its efficient regardless of the weather, and it’s pretty cheap to buy as well. However, it is also very large, is vulnerable to damage, and is not very efficient when it comes to energy.

2. Tankless Water Heater

These water heaters will produce hot water on demand using electrically heated coils. This offers many benefits because the coils work only as and when you require the water, so it produces limitless hot water for the home.

Its advantages are that it produces instant hot water, it’s quite small, and uses less energy than a conventional water heater. However, its initially quite expensive, and only produces a small supply of hot water at a time.

3. Heat pump water heater

These types of water heaters work without directly generating heat. They use heat in the ground and in the air only using energy to siphon that energy from Point A to Point B

Its advantages are that it saves a lot of money. Because it doesn’t directly use energy to heat up the water it has very conservative energy use. They are efficient in the long term and require little maintenance, however they don’t have a long life and use up a lot of space

4. Solar Water heater

Solar water heaters harness the energy of the sun to heat the water in the tanks. Using the suns heat that is caught by roof top panels these environmentally friendly heaters help with carbon neutrality

They use renewable energy, helps save money on utility bills but it is dependent on you living in a place with a lot of sunshine. They can also be quite expensive depending on the brand that you choose.

Anna Merritt
the authorAnna Merritt